It’s been a great year of yoga, teaching and practicing with you… Loads of laughter, stretches, grimaces and smiles! Now it's time to take a short break from teaching, to learn again...
I’m flying off to India tomorrow, for a yoga retreat: 12 days in the Parmarth ashram in Rishikesh near the Himalayas, moslty in silence, focusing on yoga and meditation. I feel lucky to live such an incredible experience, but I must admit, I’m a bit scared as well :-)
I then continue the holiday with my family and friends doing a “Tour de France” for five weeks. Classes will resume when I’m back, on August 15th.
Hope you continue practicing yoga during your holiday! Here’s an adult lesson you can use for a self-practice. Just choose a nice and quiet location, unroll your yoga mat and follow the steps below:
- Connect with your breathe. Seat in crossed-legs position. Inhale & exhale through your nose deeply, slowly and evenly for 3 minutes
- Warm up & Stretch:
- Right hand to your right side, left arm up and slide towards the right. Stay for 3 breaths and change side
- Right hand to your left knee, left hand behind the spine and twist towards the left. Stay for 3 breaths and change side
- Interlace hands behind the back and lean forward, reach forehead towards the mat
- All Fours position (hands and knees):
- Cat & Cow
- Shoulder Opening (right shoulder on the mat, right arm towards the left, right ear to the floor and lift left arm up)
- Lift right leg & left arm up, parallel to the floor. Stay for 5 breaths & change side
- 3 Sun Salutations
- Plank for 5 breaths
- For your strength, dolphin plank (with forearms on the mat):
- Stay for 5 breaths
- Bend right knee, open right hip and bring right knee towards the right elbow 5 times, without lifting the buttocks too much. Change side
- For your back:
- Lie on stomach, arms along ears. Lift opposite arm and leg up, change side... Repeat 10 times
- Cobra, turn head towards one side, then ear towards shoulder, then change side… Rest in child pose
- For your entire body:
- Downward Facing Dog, for 5 breaths. Then lift one leg up, stay for 5 breaths
- Warrior 1. Then twist to the side, hands together at your heart
- Straighten front leg too and lean forward, hands down to the mat
- For your hips:
- Downward Dog, lift right knee up to open the hip
- Warrior 2
- For your balance:
- Tree pose, left leg straight & left foot down
- Hold right knee to your chest with both hands
- Straighten right leg in front of you, parallel to the floor, arms up
- Warrior 3
- Malasana (Squat down, knees and hips wide, heels on the mat)
- Pashimottanasana (seat with both legs straight and lean forward)
- Bridge (variation: wheel)
- Savasana
Remember to listen to yourself, and take a break at any moment in child pose if you feel uncomfortable or in pain.
Happy Summer to All, and see you after the holiday with great plans: Kids Yoga ECA in new schools, and new adult classes to propose!
Breathe & Smile,
Sophie / So Yoga
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