"Getting kids up and ready in the morning is like playing the world’s biggest game of whac-a-mole. Once you’ve solved one thing, another issue pops up. No one wants to get out of bed and it goes downhill from there. It’s enough to turn the first part of the day into the worst part of the day.
So here is where a natural mood shift from yoga can help. Breathing and stretching through a simple and quick yoga routine can increase blood flow, improve circulation, and bring oxygen to the whole body. Giving yourself and your family even three minutes to twist, bend, and breathe can go a long way to a morning that flows. Here are seven poses that will help you to avoid the early drama and bring a positive beginning to your day:
1. Sun Breath
Inhale and reach your arms out to the sides, lift up to the sky and exhale and relax your arms back down.
2. Tummy Twist
3. Volcano
Lift up on tiptoes and reach your fingers high.
4. Ski Jumper
5. Lightning Bolt
6. Mountain

7. Awake
Sit with your legs crossed. Your spine grows taller, your shoulders roll back, and rest your hands on your knees."
Source: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-24100/7-kid-friendly-yoga-poses-to-avoid-morning-meltdowns.html
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