Within the current situations, we all have to adapt ourselves fast. I am so impressed by some schools here in Singapore, who already sent out some messages, taking care of the students, children's mental health! Read this...

- Think positive thoughts. If you are feeling anxious, write down your fears. This can help you visualise and compartmentalise your concerns and ultimately overcome them.
- Create a balanced schedule. Identify blocks of time for specific subject areas, but also include self-care breaks in your plan.
- Take care of your physical health. Make time to exercise while you are preparing for exams. Avoid comfort foods containing too much sugar or fat, as those will cause you to become sluggish while preparing for exams. Instead, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables or healthy protein-based snacks, such as nuts. And remember to get enough sleep so you are well-rested for the exams.
- Spend time outdoors. You may find that it's less stressful or a good change of scene to study in a peaceful outdoor setting rather than in your room.
- Communicate. Talk with adults whom you respect and trust about any exam stress or anxiety you may be facing. Whether they are family members or teachers, these adults can advise you how to manage your stress.
- Unplug from social media. Social media and its influence can have a detrimental impact on your mental health, and now is the best time to clear that space in your head to make room for all of that knowledge.
- Relax with a hobby. You may find that drawing, painting or even colouring in a colouring book can help you rest your mind and take a brain break in between study sessions.
- Forget about past results. Avoid dwelling on previous exam experiences and results that you have received. What's in the past is behind you now, and all you should focus on is the exam in front of you.
- Set rewards for yourself. Give yourself small rewards for studying in routine intervals, such as break time with friends. Create a larger reward for yourself that you can enjoy once you get the results of your exam."
Author: Jasween Gill
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